Game Development Art
Character Artist, Concept Artist, Environment Artist, Narrative Writer, UI Designer
Over the three years, I have worked with several game development teams as a character concept artist, background artist, and UI designer. I have learned to work excellently within a team of talented, creative individuals, and to make sure that my contributions are above and beyond expectations. Below, examples of my work can be found.

Gods of Corruption
(January 2021 - June 2021)
Gods of Corruption is a single-player 2D boss gauntlet that centers around a hidden sanctuary where four vices hide and fester, waiting to be confronted by the player. I worked as a character concept artist, UI artist and designer, as well as narrative writer.
Gods of Corruption is available to play at:
I am also the creator of the twitter banner, as well as the marketing analyst that ran the account, the twitter is available here:
Souls of Myrrage
(September 2020 - March 2021)
Souls of Myrrage is a single-player horror game that explores the world of the Rift, a dimension that exists parallel to ours ruled by twisted logic and monstrous creatures. I worked as a character/monster/item concept artist and UI designer. I am also the creator of the box art portrayed on the game website, available to play here:

(January 2020 - August 2020)
KangaRumble is a multiplayer fighting game that consists of stomping on, both physically and metaphorically, other players and gaining the most points as different kangaroo characters. I worked as a background/environment concept artist and was responsible for completing the final backgrounds present in the game. Kangarumble is available to play on kangarumble.itch.io/kangarumble and kangarumble.com.
The Atlas of Shanhe and Sheji
(January 2020 - June 2020)
The Atlas of Shanhe and Sheji is a single player exploration game that allows the player to explore a wonderful world full of Chinese deities and symbolism. I worked as a character concept artist and primary UI designer, and was responsible for the final boss and most of the UI present in the game. The Atlas of Shanhe and Sheji was presented at the UCSC Games Showcase in June and received a Visual Art Award. Available to play at https://haobin-zhang.itch.io/the-atlas.